Heimo is bye bye… for now
One third of all of us faces mental health problems during our lives. The majority will be left without help. Heimo’s idea was to provide a mental well-being online community, a social media for life challenges, where people can help each other, Because everyone deserves to find their own kindred spirit.
Unfortunately we had to close Heimo due to lack of resources.
However, there is a will to continue the spirit of Heimo to help people help each other. I just don’t know how. One way is to provide the free community software under of Creative Commons terms.
If you have an idea, email to one ex-founder: jarno@heimo.co

Heimo’s aim was to be the social media for Untellable Stories
There are stories that are never told. They are untellable stories; stories about broken mind, broken heart, loneliness, sexual orientation, social fobia, anxiety… Shame and fear of stigma are overwhelming obstacles to tell these stories.
Heimo is a social media for these untellable stories, it is the peer support online community where you can share your story with others who responds with empathy and understanding. Heimo is a safe place to share your inner thoughts and get support from others who have experienced the same. You are no longer alone!